Acupuncture For NHS
Acupuncture for NHS is a national network of qualified Acupuncture practitioners and clinics to provide treatment for frontline NHS workers. It was established during the initial Covid-19 crisis and continues to provide support for NHS clinical staff to help them to cope with the intense workload and pressure due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Jingshen TCM clinic has put a number of appointments aside in order to provide this service for NHS staff. We are also able to schedule mobile clinics for hospital wards.
How can acupuncture help?
Acupuncture is a safe and effective form of treatment which is part of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). TCM can diagnose and treat both physical and non-physical symptoms and conditions. TCM does not see physical and non-physical as being separate, but as interdependent and inextricably interlinked.
This means that symptoms arising from emotional distress and overload are understood and can be treated equally well to those arising from overwork, time pressure and physical exhaustion.
Some typical symptoms or western named conditions that patients present with are:
- PTSD, Anxiety and/or Depression, Insomnia
- Phobias, Panic attacks
- Digestive complaints, IBS
- Muscle tension and aches
- Headaches, migraine
- Back pain, Joint pain
Is it free?
There is no charge for the appointments for NHS frontline clinical staff. Those who are able to, are encouraged to donate towards the project, but there is no obligation.
We are looking for funding to keep the service sustainable, and entirely free at the point of use. If you think you could help, either by donating, or you have a good fundraising idea, get in touch at
Mobile Clinics
A mobile clinic is when the practitioner comes to your hospital ward or GP’s practice, and provides a series of treatments in house for your staff.
These clinics work the best with either two or more clinical rooms, or with a larger space to use as a multi bed treatment room, not dissimilar to a standard hospital ward.
Feedback from NHS staff from previous mobile clinics has been overwhelmingly positive and appreciative.