According to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), a happy and comfortable life is, for the large part, the result of carefully adjusting oneself to the prevailing external and internal circumstances – “going with the flow” so to speak. I will write more of the various flows of life that affect us another time, but today I...
Category: Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve collected here some of the questions we most often hear about acupuncture. Sometimes there is no simple answer and sometimes there is no short answer to a given question. If the question you have is not answered here, or not answered to enough detail, don’t hesitate to contact us if you don’t find an...
Course in TCM Dietetics #1: How to Eat Right
Gut health has been in the news frequently this year, since the recent research from doctors Braden Kuo and Allan Goldstein at Massachusetts General Hospital, the US, who found that bacteria in the gut can affect mood, cognition and behaviour and lead problems in these areas – and vice versa. In neurobiological terms, the enteric...