The coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is moving very fast and presenting us all with new challenges. For the time being the appointment schedule is remaining the same with precautions and infection protocols in place to ensure everyone’s safety – but as circumstances change day-by-day, hour-by-hour, this may change.
We ask all patients to be cautious and compassionate with their own health and the health of others, and to follow these simple guidelines:
- Upon arrival at the clinic, please take the time to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water prior to your appointment.
- If you are feeling unwell (even if you don’t think it’s the virus), please contact your practitioner at or 07523203262.
- If you have had contact with somebody who has tested positive for the virus, please similarly contact your practitioner.
We keep monitoring the situation closely and will update this information following any new advice from Public Health England.
We wish everyone well and encourage you to follow these PHE guidelines below, updated on the 13th of March.
What to do if you’re unwell?
If you feel unwell, and have
- A new continuous cough OR
- High temperature (of 37.8 degrees centigrade or higher)
You should self-isolate at home 7 days from the onset of symptoms regardless of travel history or contact with confirmed cases. If you have serious symptoms and cannot manage at home you should use NHS111 online. Only call NHS 111 if you cannot get online.
After 7 days of self-isolation, if you feel better and no longer have a high temperature you can return to your normal routine.
If you have not had any signs of improvement after 7 days and have not already sought medical advice, you should use NHS111 online before you leave your home or let visitors in.
If you have been in direct contact with a positive patient you should self-isolate for 14 days from the day of contact.
If you have travelled but do not have symptoms you do not need to stay at home, regardless of your travel history.
Useful resources
NHS111 phone lines are under huge pressure – you are adviced to use the online NHS111 coronavirus service.