In line with local NHS services restarting this week, Kings Acupuncture Clinic is now open for regular face to face appointments.
Kings College NHS Health Centre premises are safe and we have put in place rigorous infection control measures to keep patients and staff safe.
When coming to your appointment, please follow the guidance below, so that your care is safe.
Face masks
Your practitioner will be wearing PPE which includes a face mask.
The health centre is Covid-19 Secure which means that patients are not required to wear a mask, however we ask that you do wear one for the safety of others as well as yourself.
Appointment Pre-Screening
Prior to your appointment you will be sent a pre-screening questionnaire asking about any covid related symptoms. If you have experienced any symptoms you should not attend your appointment but self-isolate instead and/or contact your GP for testing.
Infection Control
The clinical room surfaces are disinfected between patients and your practitioner is following strict personal infection control guidelines as issued by Public Health England. The rooms are aired between appointments.
We ask that you carefully wash your hands immediately upon arrival in the clinic and use hand sanitiser.
Travel to the Clinic
We recommend that if at all possible, you walk, cycle, or use your own form of transport for your journey. Only use public transport if you must.
Symptomatic Patients
If you experience any of the symptoms of:
- high temperature
- a new, continuous cough
- changes in your sense of smell or taste
you should not attend the clinic, but self-isolate and book a covid-19 test if possible.
Waiting Room and Toilets
Waiting room and toilets are open for patients to use. Please as much as possible, arrive in time for your appointment to avoid waiting room crowding.
We look forward to seeing you in the clinic.
To make an appointment, visit or call 07523203262.